Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Schrute Farms

Back in April, we planted some carrot seeds. Throughout the summer, I periodically pulled a couple, but they were always very small. So eventually, I just left them alone. Finally, this fall, I pulled up the rest and here's what we got:

They look a bit more like beets than carrots.

Since the growing season was ending, I was going to pull up the rest of the garden, but then I found this little pumpkin growing.

Hard to believe that little thing was growing in this mess! 

Here's the tomato plant that started growing tomatoes in September after the wind knocked it on it's side.

That pretty much wraps up this year's garden. I transplanted the herbs into containers and brought them inside. We'll have to come up with some new things to grow next year and give it another go.

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