Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Blush and Bashful

These beauties are my first flip flops of the season.

I had a gift card for Kohl's so I was there looking for a specific useful item. I found said useful item and was headed to the checkout when I walked past these. They stopped me in my tracks. I found two pair that I liked so I consulted by fashion sensei R and she picked these. Maybe because these are less flip floppy :)

I wasn't crazy about the look of the useful item I was there for so I put that back and spent the gift card on these lovelies which was a perfect pick because I only paid 10 cents out of pocket.

They are also the perfect blush and bashful colors so I'm ready for a steel magnolia wedding.


  1. The only thing missing is a coat of polish on those toes!
    <3 R, your fashion sensei

  2. R, I'm going to take care of that soon!
